A Spark of Hope
Somehow I feel the need to remind ourselves again how insignificant and irrelevant theology is in the ruts of today’s everyday life. So uninteresting that …
What’s the church?
Somehow I feel the need to remind ourselves again how insignificant and irrelevant theology is in the ruts of today’s everyday life. So uninteresting that …
It was the German lawyer, politician and revolutionary Friedrich Franz Karl Hecker who came up with a quote that can be pretty disturbing. He emigrated …
I’m very proud to announce that we’re having a second round of Thinklings this year, starting today. This is our guiding topic: How do we …
From a missiological point of view the time has come for the Wesern church to be a much more convincing witness. In the West, Christians …
In March 2019 the first European Future Church Symposium ever took place in Amsterdam. The third and last plenary talk tackles some implications of talk …
In March 2019 the first European Future Church Symposium ever took place in Amsterdam. The first out of three plenary talks gives an overview of …
Bruxy is a Canadian theologian and was our guest at Faith and Doubt (tro och tvivel) in Sweden. The first 90 seconds are in Swedish. …
Kelli Gotthardt, California: Why the church continues to silence victims and a small step forward.