Ekklesia – Heavenly Politics In this World yet Not Of this World
It was the German lawyer, politician and revolutionary Friedrich Franz Karl Hecker who came up with a quote that can be pretty disturbing. He emigrated …
It was the German lawyer, politician and revolutionary Friedrich Franz Karl Hecker who came up with a quote that can be pretty disturbing. He emigrated …
(en) Every year or so we do a theology retreat named “Thinklings” where about 10 theologians and church planters present their reflections on an issue, …
(en/de) –deutsch: zur Seite 2 hier klicken Jesus makes the inscrutably complicated law simple and manageable again. We keep digging through the silver mine, desperately …
GERMAN TRANSLATION HERE / ZUR DEUTSCHEN ÜBERSETZUNG More and more people are worried that all life on earth could meet its maker in just a …
Hast du dich schon mal gefragt, warum es zu wenig Bekehrungen gibt, um die Gemeinde im Westen wieder wachsen zu lassen? Neue Erkenntnisse geben eine …
Nun hat Donald Trump also tatsächich das Atomabkommen mit dem Iran gekündigt (schon am 8. dieses Monats). Für mich ist das nur ein weiteres Vorbeben …